As people. Practitioners do have a crucial role

As a practitioner, protecting yourself in everyday practise within work settings and off site visits is extremely vital. One of the greatest ways in which practitioners can protect themselves is by becoming familiar with the policies and procedures that are put in to place to safeguard themselves as well as children and young people. Practitioners do have a crucial role in shaping young people’s lives. However, they must be vigilant in protecting themselves from accusations of abuse and inappropriate behaviour. They are working with vulnerable individuals who are often angry with family members and a system that they believe has let them down. Staff can ensure their safety by making sure they are following, and are aware of all safeguarding policies and adopt a professional approach. There are many clear safeguarding policies and procedures that apply to practitioners. All will be underpinned with the following principles and modes of working. They include; working in an open and transparent way, sharing concerns, physical contact, Duty of care, listening to children and young people, acknowledge that they are important power positions and trust, off-site visits, photography and video, intimate personal care, recording and reporting incidents, propriety and behaviour. Professionals should also beware of e-safety policies. As a professional one should make sure they are acting in the correct manner at all times. Firstly because they are role models to children, and secondly, by doing so, they protect themselves from allegations of abuse and inappropriate conduct.

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