Analysis of Studies of Galatians by Tom Wacaster Essay

The book Studies in Galatians was a very fine read. The book written by Tom Wacaster was very well put together. I felt like he did a fine job gathering good help to really bring home some of the main points out of this book. Well-organized verse by verse is bought to the attention of the reader in a simple format. I really like the fact that he shared the ideas of others and did not hesitate to let the reader know that who was saying what. From the very beginning, Mr. Waycaster let you know in the introduction a very pinpointed direction and sent you on your way. The introduction seem to be a bit long but after I looked at it upon completion of reading I appreciated it more so than when I read it. When you take second look, it made me understand the reading better.

In Chapter one we start the book immediately ne hesitation in stating his comments on the scripture. In most commentaries, there is a dead space between the introduction and the beginning chapter. Tom did a good job in transitioning straight to breaking down the verses. This book also reminded me that you don’t write a book or commentary by yourself, there is often help needed. Here Tom does good work once again in finding good help and plugging them in to support his take on chapter and verses. The first one that caught my attention was in the beginning f the book when he plugged Adam Clark into the point that he was getting at. In the timely manner, he takes others input and the most opportune time to support his points.

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In the study of the Greek language here lately Tom takes you there. He often refers to the Greek translation of some of the scriptures he is referring to. This could be good or not. For me it was good because we are currently studying Greek. For some…

…dage and Freedom. The way Tom broke both of these parts down in his way impressive. The chapter itself was very good but the two charts that I mentioned really caught my attention most of all. The chart of Judaism, Christianity, designed by Coffman. This was place strategically by Tom in a very good place in his explanation of this part of his book. Another example of a good gathering of your resources and placing them in good spots. The last two chapters are like the rest put together. Overall, this was a well-written book. It was easy to read and to understand. The more I read the book and didn’t put it down. It took me two days to read and the only reason I put it down between the days was that I fell asleep with it in my hands. When I see Tom, again I will personally thank him for writing this. I will also tell him that I got a lot out of it. Good Book!

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