An Analysis of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens Essay

The book A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens is a highly regarded piece of literature read by many people both young and old. It’s focused during the time period of the first French Revolution hitting key points such as the fall of the Bastille, the Reign of Terror and the September Massacres.At the beginning of the book we meet Mr. Lorry, a worker at Teller’s Bank who receives a message from Jerry Cruncher. Mr. Lorry sends Cruncher back with the response “Recalled to Life” troubling Jerry. We later then learn about how Mr Lorry has been having dreams of people being buried for almost 18 years, and then being “recalled to life” and having a request to see a women. This brings up the topic of ressurection used currently throughout the book.We are then taken to Paris, France, where a keg of red wine spills on the street with “…no drainage to carry off the wine…” so the poverty stricken ran towards the cobblestones drinking the mixture of alcohol and mud, feeding their children and themselves as much as possible. Due to the sanitation during that time period, along with the economic issues, if a keg of wine had spilled a scene much like this would have most likely taken place. Dickens also says that this takes place in the suburb of Saint Antoine, which was a revolutionary epicenter of the time and a manufacturing district foreshadowing our meeting of Dr. Manette.Mr.Lorry then meets Lucie Manette, and he tells her that her seemingly deceased father is actually alive. They then go to find him in Saint Antoine meeting Mrs. Defarge, who addresses several people by Jacques meaning that they’re revolutionaries. This name was seemingly taken from the very real group the Jacobins. They lead them to Dr. Manette, who is busily m…

…cie along with her daughter to finish the job. Carton overhears this and warns Lucie and Dr. Manette to run away. He helps Darnay escape and takes his place to be executed in a final act of his love toward Lucie. Madame Defarge tries to kill the remaining family, but ends up confronted by Miss Pross. Madame Defarge ends up accidentally shooting and killing herself. The book ends with Carton being guillotined.A Tale of Two Cities is an intricate book filled with many more historical accuracies that can fit in an essay. The amount of characters and actions happening make it a seemingly interesting read, but the wording and density of the book in actuality, causes it to be rather dull and difficult to understand. I wouldn’t recommend it for high school level readers. Perhaps people who have gone through and graduated college have a better chance of appreciating it.

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