All participants attempted to view the whole video and answer the five questions

All participants attempted to view the whole video and answer the five questions. Each participant also offered several verbal comments to moderator about both the prototypes they had been asked to use. Toshniwal et al. (2015) as comparing VibRein with baseline system. The Overall accuracy was observed to be better in case of VibRein (P1) prototype. Out of a total of 70 questions attempted by the 18 users in P1, users were able to answer 68 correctly. For P2, and observed that hardly any participant went back to the video to look at it again in case they did not answer the question correctly. On the other hand, P1 forced the users to watch the video again in case of a wrong answer. In the case of usability of VibRein
When asked casually by researchers, the participants were able to provide some feedbacks for likeliness for a system. Six out 18 participants found VibRein very easy, while other 6 liked touch screen Interactions. Remaining 6 refused to make a comparison and said that they liked both the prototypes.

Most of the users like to give answers by rotating the screen of the mobile. Though VibRein was perceived to be very effective in providing the educational content and observed few challenges with some users while responding to questions. For first time use, it was easier to tilt the phone in the x-axis, however it was little difficult to tilt it over the y-axis, specifically towards the right side. While using the mobile phone, vibrate was definitely useful in getting the user attention back to the phone screen.

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This paper presented VibRein, which uses rich sensors and interactions on mobile devices to provide a more engaging and effective educational content delivery platform. The paper also highlights the specific user segment of intellectually disabled students that could benefit the most through VibRein. The match of the pain-points of these students with the features of the VibRein system provides a strong proof point of using the rich sensors and features now available on mobile devices. The paper also believes that VibRein is a timely solution as it builds on the wave of online education and mobile device penetration. While the described prototype focuses on two specific instances of using the tilt and the vibration to engage with the students, it can be seen that the VibRein system can address a variety of mobile content delivery scenarios using the other sensors present on mobile devices and therefore believe that VibRein has the potential to effectively use the richer interactions available on mobile devices to provide a more engaging and effective mechanism for educational content delivery for a variety of users in the online education world.

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