Africa is a continent that is considered the most deprived in the world

Africa is a continent that is considered the most deprived in the world. The fact that 42.3 % of the populace born in Sub-Saharan Africa live below the poverty line, support this sentiment. It means they earn less than 1.90 dollars in a day. Women and children being the most vulnerable in the society are hit hardest by poverty. Food insecurity, high levels of unemployment, lack of proper access education are indicators of poverty (Beegle, 2016). Many international donors have come to Africa to fight this menace. However, debt is still high despite the efforts. High corruption levels are partly to blame for the rise in poverty in the continent. Several things contribute to the deprivation in Africa. For example, high population growth, persistent conflicts, climatic change. Poverty could bring about diseases, poor education, lack of infrastructure and high levels of insecurity in the long run.
Conflict is a weighty problem in Africa. Many countries in Africa have experienced either long-term or short-term bouts of some form of conflict. When a country fight people get displaced, and they cannot engage in income-generating activities. They are also not able to participate in agricultural practices hence food security is under threat. For instance, in the year 2017, 42% of the population in South Sudan faced food insecurity due to the prolonged war in the region (Huser, 2018). Rapid population growth is also a cause of conflict. A high population restricts upsurge in per capita income this leads to the rise in poverty. Most Africans are conservative; therefore, family planning methods are a sensitive issue to discuss let alone convince them to take part in it. Consequently, the population is still growing but the resources are not. It causes a strain on the already depleted resources.
Climate change in Africa is frequent and has a significant impact on the population. Desertification, for example, is experienced in some parts of the continent. Deforestation leads to water and food shortages. Destruction of forests comes about when people move to places due to conflicts or drought. The areas they run into may not be able to handle the number of people that settle there hence a strain on the ecosystem. In 2017, Uganda experienced a drought that was caused by a significant number of refugees who moved into the country.
Poverty has several effects such as diseases. When people are not able to access balanced diet especially in children, it causes malnutrition. These children have stunted development and also other long-term effects on their well-being. Child mortality rates are high in these developing countries. Also due to poverty people may engage in unethical business such as commercial sex work. These activities may lead to chronic ailments such as HIV/AIDS. The diseases may take a toll on the family’s low income and reduce the productivity of the individual. Insecurity levels may rise due to high poverty levels. People engage in crimes to survive. For example, in Kenya due to a large number of unemployed youths, many are forming criminal gangs, especially in the slums.
Many international organizations have come to Africa to help alleviate poverty. Foreign aid was established to help close the gap between the development needs of the emerging countries and their financial situation. Many argue that the bigheartedness of the benefactors supported authoritarianism, undermined the countries’ financial activities and made them extremely dependent on the donors. People say that foreign aid offers a one-time solution rather than an answer that could lead to sustainable development. Studies have shown a correlation between increased foreign aid and corruption. International assistance in some cases increases exploitation in instances where the governing class is already corrupt. Development money is lost, and people are left to suffer. These donations help a small group of people instead of the intended populace.
Various stakeholders can minimize poverty in Africa if not completely eradicate it. Creating jobs is one way of doing this. By creating jobs for both skilled and non-skilled workers people can easily earn an income. Most underprivileged people have nothing much to offer other than labor. Therefore, the governments should maximize on this to improve the livelihoods of its citizens. Reducing corruption rates in the government and encouraging transparency helps improve the government’s efficiency in spending. Transparency will ensure that the government sets its priorities right and that there is no embezzlement of funds. The governments should also encourage agriculture and put systems in place to increase food security. Environmental conservation is another way to curb poverty. Protection could directly translate to higher yields; therefore, ensuring food security.
Conclusively, Poverty is a significant challenge in Africa. It has caused untold suffering to Africans. Many donors are at the forefront to eradicate poverty. However, their efforts are not a hundred percent successful mostly due to high levels of corruption. Conflicts, rapid population growth, and climate change have escalated poverty on the continent. Creating employment, fighting crime, environmental conservation and transparency in the governments could help exterminate poverty.

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