A i.e., lodging and meals. Some boarding

A boarding school is a school in which most or all of the students live during the part of the year that they go to lessons. The word ‘boarding’ is used in the sense of “bed and board,” i.e., lodging and meals. Some boarding schools also have day students who attend the institution by day and return off-campus to their families in the evenings” (Wikipedia). Boarding schools are not that bad right, I mean we have the liberty and freedom to send our children wherever we want. They can go to public, private, or we could send them off to boarding school. We’re not forced or are we? Now imagine being forced to send your children off to a boarding school that had the intentions of forcing “which the US government believed teaching” the beliefs of another culture, their way of learning, all the while eliminating your culture your way of living, discrediting your heritage because it’s considered savagery or nomadic. With this belief came the term that was used, “Kill the Indian, Save the Man”!
The Indian boarding school development started in the post-Civil War period when optimistic colonizers directed their concentration toward the predicament of Indian individuals. While before, colonizers saw the Indians as uncivilized and their actions towards them was either dread or hate, the reformers trusted that with the best possible instruction and treatment Indians could turn out to be much the same as the colonizers. They persuaded the Congress that if they could educate the Indians that it could change if not all, portion of the Indian population into civilized individuals of society. One of the main endeavors to achieve this objective was the Carlisle Indian School in Pennsylvania, established by Captain Richard Henry Pratt in 1879. Pratt was a main advocate of the boarding school training. Believing that Indian ways were second rate compared to those of whites, he made the term, “kill the Indian and save the man”. At Carlisle, youthful Indian young men and young ladies were subjected to an entire change. Photos taken at the school showed what they looked like before attending the boarding schools and what they looked like after attending, giving a picture a transformation was what they were going for. The difference of the colonizers attire and haircuts and Victorian styles of dress persuaded general society that through all, inclusive school instruction, Indians could turn out to be totally civil. Following the model of Carlisle, reservation boarding schools were set up in different parts of the nation, including Forest Grove, Oregon (later known as Chemawa).

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