3. may be used as models or


Five different type of projects. The five types of projects are, as explained in the (Very yard projects; Study guide) as follows:a) Construction projects. This type of projects are man-made and may involve human and mechanical components. Construction projects produces artefacts, e.g. assembly of a vehicle.b) Research projects.

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Research projects aim at gathering information on theme or topic which when collated produces knowledge. The knowledge may be used as models or patents, etc, and these are useful in construction projects. E.g.

c) Re-engineering projects. This type of projects are aim at developing practices that brings about change in some systems or processes, e.g.d) Procurement projects. Procurement projects aim at outsourcing professional service by establishing a business contract or tender between an organization and a supplier of a defined product or service. e.g.

Supply and Delivery of Drawbar for Transnet Engineering Koedoespoort in Coaches Business.e) Business implementation projects. These are projects that produce and implement new processes with value embedded in the process. E.g.

3.1 Stages of developing a project team. There are five stages of developing a project team.

3.1.1 Forming stage.

This is the house warming or first stage when the team members first meet each other. Coming from different environments, the members introduce each other and exchange information on who they are, where they come from, their interests, etc. It is at this stage that the team members first jointly discuss and with guidance by the Project manager, develop a full understanding of the objectives and expectations of the project. It is at this stage that the members identify their different skills and determine team roles and responsibilities.

3.1.2 Storming stage. This is the stage during which team members have an opportunity to brain storm on the project.

They learn to work together as a team and to listen to each other as they compete in getting their views, ideas and opinions on the project accepted. This stage is equally important in that the members learn to function both independently and together as a team, settle into roles and responsibilities on the team and having conflicting idea, learn how to solve problems together. This stage is equally important in that the members, having conflicting ideas, learn how to solve problems together, function both independently and together as a team, and settle into roles and responsibilities on the team. The Project manager’s communication and motivation skills are crucial in ensuring that the team move beyond this stage and not do not spend the entire project in conflict and arguments.In this regard, the team leader monitors how things are going and holds regular meetings.3.1.

3 Norming stage. In this stage, the team members have gelled and show a team working spirit. The members trust each other and actively seek each other out for assistance and input. The team is able to resolve issues and conflict as a group with little reliance on the Project manager although the group leader always ensure that the team members work in collaboration. All the members not only regard themselves as a team but go further and establish warm relationships and freely communicating at all times at work and after hours.

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