3.0 connect by a product that they

3.0 Theoretical Perception & Hypothesis
Studies have shown that individuals are more eager to connect by a product that they observe to o?er bene?ts derived from self-presentation (Escalas, 2004; Schmitt, 2012). Scholars have found that the consumer’s need for self -presentation is related to optimistic word of mouth for a brand, which in turn is connected to the consumer’s self-concept (Eelen, Özturan, & Verlegh, 2017)
H1. Self-brand connection has directed and positive effect on economic value
Escalas (2004) states that there is brand attitude is linked to self-brand connection in confident terms; she argues that brand attitude is an outcome of self-brand connection as consumers may form favourable attitudes toward brands with which they do not hold a self-brand connection Schmitt (2012) also states that consumers are likely to form some level of favour or liking before connecting themselves with the brand. Thus, brand attitude could be an antecedent of self-brand connection.
H2. Brand attitude has direct and positive effect on economic value
Based on expectancy-value theory, consumers should have a unique and strong association with the well-liked brand as it meets the consumers’ expectations, where consumers have su?cient knowledge and experience about utilizing the brand so that the brand can aid as a value-added purpose (Keller, 1993). r, customers tend toward judge the well-liked brand by using extrinsic cues rather than a thoughtful decision-making process they lack the motivation to reassess the well-liked brand that they already know (Olson ; Jacoby, 1972).

H3. Self-brand connection has direct and positive effect on economic value
Consumers become familiar with a product when they link the product with a huge quantity of cues that hold strong memories about the brand, which includes both favourable and unfavourable information about the brand. One possible solution is to rebuild consumers’ brand knowledge by associating them with the brand as an identity signal that seems personally relevant to them (Schmitt, 2012), rather than cantering on brand familiarity (Keller, 2003). Mühlbacher, Raies, Grohs, and Koll (2016) advised focusing on the product’s perceived bene?ts as this contributes to self-brand connection.

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H4. Economic value has direct and positive effect
Price, quality and value are the vital elements that determines the consumer choice of purchasing the brand/product and also explains the consumer shopping decision (Bishop 1984; Doyle 1984; Jacoby and Olson 1985, Sawyer and Dickson 1984, Schechter 1984). The economic value effects the consumers for purchasing the branded clothes. persons with more revenue are also pretentious by economic instability. The purchase of consumer favourable clothes is equally relating to consumer buying power. The product which are been purchased must also full fill the consumer demand.
H5. Unitarian benefits have direct and positive effect on economic value
Buying decision of consumer involves different steps, while purchasing the brand/service consumer can enjoy a lot of different utilitarian and hedonic benefits “(Cronin Jr., Brady, & Hult, 2000)”. The benefits which is provided to the consumer must always are of two types whether utilitarian or hedonic benefits. utilitarian benefits always understand the consumer demands and complete its task by focusing on its prescribed elements “(Chitturi et al., 2008)”. It may have different examples which can be explained to provide result of unitarian benefits it may include store location, it journeys time, after sales, feedback, material of use, salesperson respond time. Consumer always seek utilitarian benefits which motivate the client for having good brand in low price, ease of searching and having good attributes. These benefits always vary from brand to brand.

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