¬NOVEL to be tested further for this

¬NOVEL SYNTHESIS OF NANOPARTICALES BY SHOCK WAVE METHODABSTRACT Hydroxyapatite HAP, (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 is a inorganic compound. It is wiedly applied as bioactive coating material for orthopedic applications due to its high biocompatibility, bioactivity and also good oseteoconductivity. The calcium phosphate material are wildly applied as biomaterial, adsorbents, catalyst, chemical engineering, and catalyst supports and mechanical reinforcement, etc…. Especially it is building block of human bone and teeth.

In particular in this research the crystal structure and surface morphology of the novel synthesis of hap nanoparticles are investigated the pre and post load shock wave. This method give hap powder a high degree of crystallinity and Nano size of particles. The Ca/p ratio is closed to the stoichiometry value (1:67).

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Characterized and structural feature of the hap powder were evolved by using FT-IR, XRD, SEM. It was shown that synthesised hap powder result in high purity powder and crystallinity after a calcination. The as synthesised powder are to be tested further for this biocompatibility. MATERIAS AND METHOD2.

1 Chemical and reagents: Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate Ca(NO3)2 .4H2O, Diammonium hydrogen phosphate (NH3)2HPO4, and ammonium hydroxide NH4OH, were used. Deionized water was used throughout the synthetic process.

All the received chemical were of analyte grate and obtained from merk. SYNTHESIS Pure HAP powder were synthesized under atmospheric conditions by using shock wave method. 0.5m Ca(NO3)2.4H2O and 0.

3m (NH4)2HPO4 were dissolved into 100 ml of deionized water. The phosphate solution was added drop wise to the calcium solution by a constant stirring and we get white precipitate. Then the maintained PH between 9.

5 to 10 by using ammonium solution. The Ca/P molar ratio was kept constant at 1.67 throughout the experiment. Now the sample is loaded at different number of shock wave like 50,100 with mech number 2.0 at applied pressure (2.367MPa) and temperature (896k). All the reaction kept in an oven at temperature 80oC for 4h.

The obtained precipitate were filtered and washed three times by deionized water for the removal of residual ammonia and unreacted reactants and dried in an oven at 100oC for 3h. Finally the hap powder were calcinated for 3 to 4hs. The received powder further characterized with different analytical techniques. CHARACTERZIZTION The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) was used to determine the functional group of the hap sample. The spectra were recorded over the region of 400-4000 cm-1. The crystal structure and phase content of the sample were analysed by X-ray diffraction.

The XRD was operated at 80kv and 10MA and the 2? range from 10 to 800C with a step size was 0.040. The crystallinity size of the sample can be calculated from XRD peak by using Scherrer equation. The SEM was use to investigated the morphology and size of the sample. RESULT AND DISSCUTIONThe FTIR spectra of HAP nanoparticle’s can be represent in fig.1. The hap structure contains OH and PO4 group.

The broad band at 3410cm-1 and 1622cm-1 were due to the bending mode of the absorbed water while the sharp peak at 3570 cm-1 is stretching vibration of the lattice OH and the medium peak at 634 cm-1 cm-1 (OH) of hap. The band at 475 is indicated to the bending mode of PO4 group (?2). The peak at 1039-1085 cm-1 and 964 cm-1 correspond to the stretching vibration of PO4 group (?3 and ?1). The phosphate group appeared at two different wave number like 606 and 578 is due to the bending mode of PO4 group (?4).The hap structure contains the OH broad peak at 3432 cm-1 and 1632 cm-1 are attributed to bending mode of absorb water and the medium peak at 625 cm-1. The band at 3580 cm-1 is represented by sharp peak of OH group. The ?1 and ?3 band of phosphate groups occur at 948 and 1086-1048 cm-1 respectively.

The phosphate group was observed at 609 cm-1 and 578 cm-1 is corresponded to ?4. The peak at 484 cm-1 in can be assigned to ?2 modeThe FTIF spectrum (Fig.3) of the investigated powder show all characteristic peak of HAP. The sharp and broad peaks at 3580 cm-1 and 3419, 1652 cm-1 are corresponded to O-H groups and the medium band at 634 cm-1 OH of HAP. The peak at 465 cm-1 in can be indicated to ?2 mode of phosphate group and the band at 559 cm-1 and 606 cm-1 are due to ?4.

The peaks at 954 cm-1 and 1086-2029 cm-1 are due to ?1 and ?3 mode of phosphate groups.XRDFig.2 shows the XRD patterns of the synthesised HAP powder which are pure, the XRD patterns obtained of the hap sample with (shock number 50) indicated at major peak is 25.9084, 31,757, 32.848, which were conformed the formation of hap.

It is found that the XRD patterns of the hap sample are in good agreement with standard value of JCPDS data base () for hap which indicated that the crystal structure of hap sample is similar to the pure hydroxyapatite. The 50 hap showed lower crystallinity when compared to other hap. The crystallinity size of the sample can be calculated from XRD peak by using Scherrer equation.S.NO SAMPLE 2 VALUE D grain size value (nm)1 Shock number 50 25.626 31.757 32.848 2 Shock number 100 25.990 31,675 32.766 3 controlled 25.7231 31.675 32.766

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